Welcome To The Jungle!

Hey guys! Ainsley and Kali here. Today we locked in at 4:30 am sharp to embark on our journey into the Guaimi Providence, which is a reservation. We stopped along the way at the Musmanni bakery for some quick; fire food. That jon was good. DonRon, our bus driver, absolutely clutched up driving the stick shift bus to make sure we got there safely. The views were breathtaking and made the 7 hour drive feel so fast! When we got here, we were welcomed with open arms and the home-cooked lunch hit the spot. Then some of us did some exploring and we found a sweet river, some amazing swinging bridges, and even wild horses!

After, we went to the local school and we played sports with them. Such as FÚTBOL SUIIIII!! Mmm actually, it was the best thing ever and the kids got excited to play the beautiful game of fútbol/soccer in the rain. (Unreal and so amazing <3 ) After the games and brazy fútbol, Kali and Kevin demonstrated how to use the water filters to the community so they could have access to clean water. We got to give away 30 tap filters from Sawyer to change the lives of the families in this community. Their smiles were amazing to see, and this community truly has been nothing short of generous and they demonstrate love so well in everything they do.

Once the water filter demonstration was finito, we made friendship bracelets at the pastor’s house where we are staying and ate some delectable empanadas. They were hot, crispy, and FRESH! It was such a great bonding moment for the team and there was lots of laughs. Some of the people in our group went on another hike and what was thought to be a short walk turned into a journey and a half up a mountain. It was an unexpected, but yet such a rewarding adventure. Let us tell you, it was MUDDY but the views and the mems made it so worth it. Truly, an amazing experience.

Dinner was so yummy, but we had unexpected guest(S). Due to the rain, something that only happens twice a year happened to us. WE. WERE. SWARMED by flying ants! Don’t fret, they are completely harmless, and just wanted to see whats up. Some of us enjoyed that extra protein (See Brendan O’Donnell). Team time after dinner was very special. We got to hear three amazing testimonies from Justin, Hannah and Cara. It is truly touching to see how much our team has bonded over the past couple of days. Tucker led us in a bible study about the Sermon on the Mount and the Lord’s Mercy. It was a great way to end our day and reflect on how God is moving in Costa Rica and in our team’s lives.

Peace and love, Kainsley out! (I love you Mom)!

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1 Comment

  1. What a great blessing to see how you are impacting others to have a better life.

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