Tuesday in Costa Rica

We started the day by waking up at 6:10 am and had the most delicious breakfast. Which consisted of pancakes, fruit, bread and a traditional Costa Rican juice. We hopped on the bus around 7:05 am and headed to the UAI prison Push The Rock partners with. At the prison, we had the opportunity to play a basketball game. Everyone participated and it was even some of our team members first time trying to play basketball! We had a great time and enjoyed showing Gods love and kindness through the game of basketball.

After our game; 2 of our team members Kevin and Tucker gave testimonies to both basketball teams. We learned valuable lessons from our team members about how God has a plan to prosper you and never to harm you, and how He will never forsake you.

We were pleasantly surprised and incredibly blessed to be able to hear testimonies from 2 inmates in the prison who volunteered to speak on the spot. We learned how their faith has grown incredibly while in prison and they feel spiritually filled when they dive into the scripture. We were moved from their testimonies and were shown again how God moves in so many different ways and how his reach is so vast.

As we drove back we were shown scenery of the mountains and forests that surround San Jose and it was a true testament to beauty of God’s creation.

For lunch we had spaghetti with Costa Rican meat sauce, salad, garlic bread, and cupcakes. The food has been so good and we have loved getting to taste true Costa Rican flavors. Carl had 3 plates for lunch which was a PR.

Following lunch we hopped on the bus to head over to Project Abraham; A School/Daycare with an emphasis on assisting single moms who have endured hardships. We taught 3 different age groups ranging from Kindergarten to 6th grade, and engaged in fun games like relay races and banana split which was traditional Costa Rican game amongst children. We also had opportunities to coach them in familiar sports like Soccer and Basketball; While also having an opportunity to introduce a new sport to them, lacrosse.

Kali and Hannah shared testimonies to the children and left them important lessons about choosing Jesus in spite of many other worldly pressures.

We came home and ate another wonderful meal prepared by none other than Donya Xena. We ate chicken over a bed of white rice, salad, muffins, and fried plantains covered in cheese. After dinner, 3 team members: Tyler, Marcus, and Ainsley gave testimonies which were very powerful and impactful.

Overall, we had a great 4th day and we can’t wait to wake up at 4:15 in the morning tomorrow!!!! Stay Tuned! #PrayersNecessary

Signed by the best bloggers yet, Carl and Olivia.

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1 Comment

  1. Is so beautiful to know that are so many people around the earth that is willing to share the gospel to most needy people God bless you all.

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