Travel Day!

Our team had a long day of travel that started in Atlanta, and ended in Johannesburg. After 15 hours in the air we arrived safely and made it to our hotel in time for a great meal, and a chance now to sleep. Tomorrow we will take what will feel like a very short 2 hour flight to Livingstone, meet staff from Poetice, and head to Choma!

Blog recaps from students will begin tomorrow, as we all headed to our rooms after dinner to shower and get to bed. As leaders of the trip, we are grateful for the amazing attitudes the students have brought to our entire time together so far. Their eagerness to get to Zambia, patience as we navigate airports and group travel, and willingness to jump into conversation with whichever teammates are around them has been really great to see. We are definitely ready for a great week with this crew!

A couple more pics below of our airport travel today, including one in Johannesburg of the whole team.

Thanks for following along!
-Zambia Team Leaders

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