Serving Through Sports

We are a team of early risers who have been waking up and starting our day together during the Choma sunrise. Today we were pumped knowing it would be the first day of sports camp at Poetice. We are lucky enough to get to be here and helping to run the first ever sports camp on Poetice’s brand new recreational park. After breakfast we heard word from the gospel of Matthew teaching us that God will meet us wherever we are at in our faith walk. Hearing these stories were very inspirational. We were challenged by the speaker with the concept of learning throughout our lifetime and were encouraged that it’s OK to not know or have it all figured out. This made us excited for the new experience of working with the campers who came in full of joy and ready to learn. During camp today, we helped coach the youth in both basketball and softball. These are two sports that are not currently as common in Zambia. The campers were ecstatic to play both and earn new skills. During softball the campers were coached through stations of hitting, throwing, and defense. Basketball players were coached through passing, shooting, dribbling, and lay ups. Today as a team we had the takeaway that showing others even small bits of encouragement can be life-giving. Following sports camp, we were introduced to table time groups where we got the chance to have conversations to answer any questions that arose throughout our day and have the chance to get to know each other a little better through fellowship in smaller groups. After table time, we were able to have a traditional Zambian dinner called Nshima. Nshima is made from pounded white maize, corn meal and water, and it is eaten with your hands along with chicken and delele a green relish like topping. We ended our day with a team debrief and a lot of excitement for tomorrow’s camp.

Grace and Riley

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