Ready to go!

Our Zambia SEED team had a great day of pre-trip training yesterday, getting to know each other and preparing for our upcoming 10 days. The anxious feelings several of us were feeling transformed to excitement, and we are ready to get to Zambia!

We gathered this morning and a few of our team members shared their stories before we headed to the Grand Rapids airport. We made it to Atlanta, and are now waiting to board our 16 hour flight for Johannesburg. (We aren’t sure what the wifi situation will be for a blog post on Sunday, so don’t be alarmed if our next post is Monday)

We are having a great time together so far and can’t wait for what the upcoming days will hold. A different pair of our students will write the blog each day, so you will hear from all 18 in the next 9 days with a trip recap on the final day. Below are a couple airport pics since a group picture has still eluded us. Thanks for your prayers and for following along!

-Zambia SEED Team

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