SEED Program

Mwisho (The End)

A Day Spent in God's Creation
June 7th, 2024 Today was a day spent in the middle of the wild African fields in Kenya. The Safari resort we ventured to was Masai Mara, a five-star safari resort. We began the day by taking smaller bush planes to travel to Masai Mara. 

It was an adventurous 45 minute flight with a few guest copilots! We landed at an "air strip" which was a dirt road in the middle of a field with merchants and security.

On the safari we saw many animals including: lions, elephants, water buffalos, hippos, zebras, monkeys, wildebeests, antelope, hyena, warthog's, giraffes, gazelles, topi, jackals, meerkats, ostriches, and more!

After our first mini safari to the resort, we were welcomed with amazing juices, pasta, meats, and fruits. The security in this jungle resort carried spears to protect us from any wildlife that wonder on to the grounds. We stayed in huts which housed 2 or 3 people and it was a big tent with floor elevated off the ground. It was extremely nice and had a great view.

After lunch, we went back out on safari and got very close to some lions and lion cubs! We were roving through the fields when a large storm snuck up on us. We rushed back to our resort, navigating through the mud holes before they got worse due to rain.

When we returned, we had a tamo sana (delicious) dinner, and we had the opportunity to hear our last testimonies from Brooke, Ian, Angela, Chef Daniel and Shomari. We then dispersed into our tents for the night, and fell asleep to sounds of lions and monkeys.

We awoke to the pleasant sounds of birds in the morning, preparing us for the final day, embarking on our voyage half way across the world back home. We are currently on the bus ride back to Holland. a full day of travel went well!

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