Last day in Choma!

Sports camp for the kids ended yesterday, so we had a relaxing day and the chance to play sports with each other. The day started with sleeping in and breakfast at 8. In our session this morning with the wonderful Matt Margaron, we learned from him how God is a relational God who sent his son to earth to relate to us. Jesus embodied how to create, relate, endure, and restore people on earth. After this, the Global Health students went with Seth to put a cover on a local well, which will prevent children from stumbling into an uncovered well. They got to learn a little bit more about some of the amazing projects Poetice is doing in their community. The afternoon was filled with sports of all kinds. We played a softball game, many volleyball games with Poetice staff and youth from the community, as well as pickleball, Spikeball, and some frisbee. We also were able to rest after a busy week. We had our last table time and had a wonderful dinner before debrief. We are ending the day by hanging out around a bonfire and enjoying the relationships we have built with each other. Might be a late night, but we will see you tomorrow!

Eliana and Mike

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