
We made it to Atlanta and have one more layover before arriving back in Grand Rapids this afternoon. It’s been an incredible week and a half with this team, and we are excited to see family and friends to share all about the trip.

We are so grateful to Sawyer for making SEED trips possible for Hope student-athletes. Each of us grew over the course of this trip and we will never forget the experiences we had distributing water filters and putting on the sports camp with Poetice. Thank you.

We are so grateful for Caroline Dykstra and all the work she does to make SEED such a great program within Hope Athletics. Second semester meetings and pre-trip training were a significant part of the team beginning to bond. We knew we were well-taken care of through the whole process with Caroline in charge. Thank you.

We are so grateful for Poetice and the opportunity to partner together this week. Their staff was a gift to all of us, and it is especially wonderful to see so many Hope College alumni on their team: Abby VanPeursem, Courteney Barnes, and Seth Almquist. The environment created for us to learn, dig deep in our faith, process, worship, and have fun is incredibly special.

And we are so grateful to all who followed along and supported this trip each step of the way. We can’t wait to see you soon!

-Zambia SEED Team 2024

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