Day 6 (6/6/24)

A Day in Mukuru

Hello friends (rafiki)! This is Michael Mileski and Laura Taylor. Today we visited the Sport Outreach base in Mukuru and were able to be a part of the beginning of a relationship between Sports Outreach and The Bucket Ministry. We started with worship and morning devotions where we read and further discussed the story of Jonah. It has been wonderful getting to know the members of Sports Outreach and The Bucket Ministry, as well as witnessing the spiritual and physical impact that they have made in the communities that they serve.

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After morning introductions, we split into three groups including members of Sports Outreach and The Bucket Ministry. In total, the groups visited seven schools in the Mukuru slum and had the opportunity to bring them clean water filters. It was heartwarming to watch the excitement in the children and teachers as we demonstrated how the filter works. They truly showed their gratefulness through the amount of hugs and love that they shared.

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For lunch, we returned (once again), to the Chicken Inn and played some fun games while sharing a delicious meal together. Many members of our team have enjoyed the Kenyan coffee so much that they decided to purchase some coffee beans to bring home and continue to enjoy. After lunch, we went back to Sports Outreach base and spent the remainder of the afternoon with the kids. We played many games with them including chess (which consists of many losses for us Americans).

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When we arrived back to our resort, we enjoyed a wonderfully displayed and delicious traditional Kenyan dinner. We were greeted by many of the hotel staff members who served us an assortment of dishes such as lamb, rice, beef stomach (which some were hesitant to try), passionfruit, and much more. During dinner, we listened to music and watched Arthur (one of the Sports Outreach leaders) dance. We also said goodbye to our new friends from the Bucket Ministry. Following dinner, we grouped together to hear testimonies from Michael, Liv, Kyle, and Juli. Despite only knowing each other for 6 days, our group has grown to become incredibly loving and open with one another. We have created relationships that will last a lifetime. Tomorrow, we will be flying to Maasai Mara for a safari!

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