Day 4 (6/4/24)

A day of school and sport:

Hi everyone! This is Juli Kirkpatrick and Luke Stuck! We started off our day joining our friends back at Sports Outreach in Kibera. We headed into the slum and visited five local schools to distribute and teach about Sawyer water filters. A few of us had the opportunity to pass out porridge providing the students with a breakfast. At each school we were also fortunate to have the opportunity to pray over the students, teachers, and ministers. After the school visits, we headed back to Sports Outreach’s headquarters in Kibera and helped pass out a meal for lunch. Each meal consisted of roughly 1/2 cup rice and a few beans which really opened our eyes to some of the daily struggles that these communities face.

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After distributing lunch we headed back to our favorite “Chicken Inn” for lunch and mixed things up today with a shake for dessert from the “Creamy Inn” before heading back to Sports Outreach. A few students had another opportunity to teach local adults in the community how to build and maintain more water filters which was interesting because it was our first experience with water filters outside of the schools. We were also able to play soccer and chess with the students and coaches.

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The kids were unbelievably talented at soccer and chess at such a young age and they played every second with the upmost joy and respect for each other and us. It had rained during our lunch, so the field had quite a few mud puddles, but there way no way it was stopping the kids from playing the sport they love.

Next, we headed to dinner at a local restaurant and enjoyed a few rounds of euchre. We then headed to Grace House Resort to share a few testimonies and debrief the day. We were fortunate to hear from Jacob, Connor, Laura, and Allyson (our Sports Outreach leader). Each day the families have taught us more and more about how lucky we are to have God in our lives and how he continues to be present in all of our unique situations. It is cool to see how universal God can be through the world.

Thank you for joining us for our day four recap! Tomorrow we will be heading back to Kibera to work alongside The Bucket Ministry to continue distributing filters throughout the community.

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