Bonfire Game Night

We are now over half way through sports camp. Many of us were tired from yesterday and chose to sleep in and start our day with 7am breakfast. Coffee was definitely needed this morning. After Addison and Elianna braided people’s hair, we headed to our morning session. We got up and moved during worship. There was dancing and singing led by Moshon, Jerome, and Anita. Abby taught us different ways to hear God and how to seek His voice. She also led us through a prayer to help us talk to Him. We learned that God speaks in different ways. The dad of one of the Poetice’s staff members, Trip, got a word from God during this time and shared it with us. After worship, the first camp session started with the older group.  We played basketball, softball, ultimate frisbee, and pickleball. The basketball group played live games. The softball group learned base running rules of the game. The pickleball group learned the basics of the sport because it was new for most of the campers. The ultimate group practiced throwing a frisbee and playing the game. Before heading to the second session of camp, we had pasta with meat and veggies for lunch. We regrouped and got ready for the next session. During the second part of camp, the sports remained the same; however, we replaced pickleball with relay races. The basketball group continued to work on their skills. The softball group practiced hitting. The ultimate frisbee group remained the same, and the relay race group did different movements and stretches before doing fun races to see who would finish first. After the second session, we had a short break before heading to table time. We debriefed our day as well as our ideas on worship last night with the Poetice staff. At dinner, we had chicken curry, which was exceptional! Dinner slowly turned into a bonfire and s’mores. We played games like jungle stick, taco-goat-cheese-pizza, and bologna sandwich. There were many laughs and smiles with everyone on base. Overall, today was a great day, and we can’t wait for the last day of camp.

Mac and Courtney

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