SEED Program

Arriving in Zambia!

We woke up early in South Africa for another flight, this time to Zambia! After breakfast in the airport, we boarded a small plane that took us on a two hour trip to Zambia. It was slow getting through security at the Livingstone airport, but it all worked out and we made it onto a bus that took us to Choma. The bus was a tight fit for our group of 23, so we were able to use another car for luggage. Our 2.5 hour drive was filled with lots of games, conversations, and a beautiful sunset. When we finally arrived, we were greeted with so much excitement right away. We had a delicious barbecue dinner outside and got to meet lots of new people from Poetice’s staff. After dinner we had a debrief with the team. We journaled, talked about the first few days of the trip, and a couple people shared their testimonies. Our team is looking forward to the week to come and we’re excited to meet many more people, create memories, and see how God works through the group on this trip.

– Alex & Breck

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