SEED Program

Grateful for a great day!

Day 5

Hi everyone! Greetings from the Caribbean! We started our morning with a run for Shae and the XC folk and omelets for breakfast for everyone else! We also tried dragon fruit for the first time (it kinda tastes like a kiwi) before heading off to the Go! Sports complex across town in Tamboril. The guys played basketball against a mix of club athletes and 18U athletes while the girls did a quick English lesson with some of the baseball athletes. After that we got to tour the facilities (which were awesome) and we got to see the plans for the new women’s facilities and the additions they have planned for the next few years. The plans included new stadiums for basketball, volleyball, and soccer, a new weight room, athletic training space, women’s dorms, and new community facilities including two new baseball practice fields. Once the tour was over we took our siesta break, which was held at headquarters at Calle Dos. Siesta is a time to eat lunch, rest, play cards, shower, etc. during the work day from about 12-2 where no work takes place. We theorize that it’s a time given to workers due to the extreme heat in the middle of the day. Following siesta we played with children at one of the planted churches in the city. We brought balls, jump ropes, bubbles, supplies for making bracelets, nail polish, and other fun things to play with local kids with. The kids loved the bracelets and the balls and never lost an ounce of energy. After an exhausting few hours, we returned to Calle Dos to shower and get prepared for dinner. For dinner tonight, we had a special treat of local empanadas from a stand downtown and enjoyed conversation beneath the Domino’s Pizza sign and to the tune of the local passersby. Following dinner, we took a field trip to Bon Ice Cream where we practiced ordering in Spanish and enjoyed a cold treat. The group’s (Shae & Jess’s) favorite has been Don Alfonzo, which is chocolate, coconut, and coffee flavored ice cream. We returned once more to Calle Dos to debrief and heard the lovely testimonies of Tanner (Twigs), Janie, and Jess. Now we will probably wrap this up and go dance in the streets because of the awesome (and SO loud) partying tactics of the Dominicans (JK we will probably play a cutthroat round of Euchre and go to bed). We look forward to church tomorrow and a relaxing night on the beach with each other.

Shae & Cole

P.S. Don’t worry Moms, we’re okay! We love ya! Enjoy a photo from today (if it loads)!

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