SEED Program



We started off the morning by taking a short walk to a local bakery called “Musmanni”. Our mouths started watering before we had even entered the store. Some of our favorites included, carne empanadas, apple strudel, guava pastries, and Costa Rican beverages (the juice is AMAZING!).

Shortly after our bakery trip we got on the bus and drove to church, “CED”. The congregation was very excited to have us there and reserved the first three rows of the church for our team. We began with praise and worship in Spanish. Many of which were songs we often sing in our own churches and at chapel including, 10,000 Reasons, Waymaker, Do it Again, and You are Good.  

Their pastor preached with an accompanied translator. He spoke about the importance of identity and how to be a child of God. He emphasized that without identity direction in life is lost. We were asked deep questions like, “where are we going”, “what will guide us?”, and “how do I confront difficult circumstances?”. He talked about how a person’s identity leads their actions whether they know it or not. Finally, he challenged us to get up and cross the river.

This idea reflected the scripture Joshua 1:1-19. He reassured us that God is with us each day and we continue to look to Him for guidance. After the service, we chatted with members of the congregation before heading to the mall to eat lunch with the Pastor’s family and a few other members of the church. Sadly, we didn’t get any photos of us at church; however, you can take our word for it, we looked good!

Not us at church. (This was a brief stop yesterday on our way to Sarapiquí.)

We went to the local mall for lunch and were surprised to see how similar it was to our mall in the United States. I [Griffin] bonded with another church member over the upcoming soccer game. We saw the mall filled with jerseys and could tell this was a greatly anticipated match for them. Most of us tried local food court and avoided options we could get back home, much of it contained rice beans and chicken. After this we were given free time to wander about the mall. Many of us were excited to see a Starbucks and were happy for a caffeine boost.

When we arrived back at the AMCA house we had team time, did laundry, and watched the soccer game as a team. We continued to bond closer hearing each other’s stories and gained new perspectives. The restful day left us energized and prepared for the second half of our trip.

Thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers. As we continue our trip please pray for energy and safety in our upcoming travels. We will update you as soon as we can.

**Just a heads up to you fellow followers, we will be heading south to a reservation and will be there from Monday to Wednesday. We do not to expect cell service or WiFi and most likely will not be able to post our daily blog posts.**

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