We’re on the move!

Today is the last day that Public Affairs and Marketing will be located on the second floor of the Anderson-Werkman building. We are vacating our current offices to make room for our Financial Aid friends, who will be moving upstairs this summer to be closer to Business Services and Human Resources. Renovations in Anderson-Werkman will be occurring through 2016. If all goes well, the Web Communications, Creative Services, Media Relations and Sports Information staff will be back together again by year’s end, located in new offices on the first floor of Anderson-Werkman.

Until then, the Public Affairs and Marketing team will be on the move. A few departments have graciously agreed to open up their space to our team for one- and two-month periods. We will, therefore, be “living” in different offices and departments for several weeks at a time. Our staff will be split up and spread out across campus, but we intend to seize this opportunity to be more mobile, more accessible and more collaborative. Though we may be nomads for a while, we remain as enthusiastic and as committed as ever to your projects. So please, do not hesitate to contact us for your communication needs.

Starting tomorrow (March 1), our initial locations will be as follows:

  • CIT (Durfee Hall): Josh Bishop, Jason Cash, Elizabeth Council, Julie Huisingh, Craig Tommola
  • The Plaza (99 East 8th Street, Suite 300): Alan Babbitt, Karen Bos, Samantha Bruin, Becky Robrahn, Paul Willard
  • Events and Conferences (Anderson-Werkman, suite 130): Greg Olgers, Lynne Powe


I will be floating between CIT, Plaza, ECO and DeWitt, grabbing an empty seat when available! We will keep you updated each time the groups move to a new “home base.” In the meantime, we’d love to hear from you. Here a few tips you may find helpful:

  • Need to contact us? The best way to reach us is by email or phone. We will continue using our current phone extensions.
  • Need to meet with us? We will be happy to come to you! Have laptop, will travel.
  • Need to submit a project request? You can do that online — and find information about our services, brand guidelines and more — on the Public Affairs and Marketing webpage.


Thank you in advance for your patience as we wait for our new home. We look forward to seeing you around campus!

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