Web Accessibility Policy

Dear campus community, We’re writing today to give you an update on website accessibility as it relates to the Hope College website, hope.edu. Web accessibility refers to the inclusive practice of removing barriers that prevent people with disabilities from interacting with or accessing websites, so that all users have equal access to information and functionality. Hope …

Improving Open Graph Tags on hope.edu

We’ve recently made a “behind the scenes” update to our hope.edu pages and sites within OU Campus that greatly improves the metadata code provided for open graph tags. Open Graph is a technology first introduced by Facebook in 2010 that allows integration between Facebook and its user data and a website. By integrating Open Graph meta …

Introducing: Spera

See the 2018 and the inaugural issue of Spera, a new print and web publication focused on the research, scholarship and creative performance of Hope College faculty. Spera will be produced annually by the Office of Public Affairs and Marketing. Themes in this issue include: Looking Back at the Reformation, the Fine Arts, Science on the Cutting Edge, …

Campusmail and studentmail changes

Recently the inclusion of images in “campusmail” and “studentmail” messages has become problematic. In some cases, the distribution of messages with images can take hours and hold up other messages. Additionally, the information in an image is not accessible to those with visual impairments. Because this system is necessary for the prompt distribution of emergency and weather-related …

Our new Student Organizations Directory

At Hope, life outside the classroom is as vibrant as it is inside. Our Student Life office offers an array of opportunities for students to get involved in more than 50 student-led organizations. However, for many years our student groups were provided a fairly limiting template and embedded blog for sharing information (and many were …

Mark your calendars! Public Affairs and Marketing Open House

Public Affairs and Marketing Open House Monday, March 27 1 – 3 pm ​Anderson-Werkman Financial Center Suite 110 Please stop by to visit our new office space! ​​​Enjoy a candy bar, popcorn, and more!​

A Few New Web Projects

We had a busy summer working on the new inHope and new Athletics website and app, but we’ve also had a handful of fun projects this fall that we’d like to share with you. Dining Menus: we worked with Dining Services to introduce an entire new website for their area that also features new dining …

Announcing: inHope, the new KnowHope

The new college intranet, which is replacing KnowHope, is now live and available! The new service is called inHope, and can be accessed at in.hope.edu. It is only accessible to individuals who have a hope.edu email account. Features of inHope include: mobile friendly, easy to scan/filter, common links, easy to submit announcements, today’s events calendar, featured news, academic calendar, people …