Content & Design Strategy phase

Phase one of Research & Identification is nearing completion, and we are very excited to be moving forward into the Content & Design Strategy phase. During this phase, Mighty will be proposing a new site map and information architecture for the site, and we will begin exploring a few different design directions through style tiles. Style …

User Personas and Scenarios

Who are our website users and what do they want to do? Those are the questions we are attempting to answer with the help of our web partner, Mighty. This week we got the first look at our User Personas and Scenarios. These are fictional “people” who have been created based on real-life audiences and …

Stakeholder Interviews Summary

This week, our web design partner, Mighty, presented their findings and summary of the stakeholder interviews that were conducted. This will be helpful in our planning moving forward. There were some major themes that came out of these discussions which include ideas/thoughts related to KnowHope, campus calendar & events, tickets, registration & advising, department pages, …

Web design focus groups & open forums a success!

Thank you to the many faculty, staff, students, and others who shared your insight and helped us to make our website design focus groups and open forums a success! We are so grateful for your participation with our web design partner, Mighty. In total, 20 focus groups and 3 open forums were conducted with over 150 …