Office of the President

Thank you for your Input!

Dear Hope Campus Community:

On behalf of the Strategic Planning Steering Committee, we thank you for the valuable and thoughtful feedback on the draft plan prior to spring break.  The committee recognizes the commitment hundreds of you made by attending sessions, sending suggestions through the online feedback form, and discussing the plan with your colleagues.  We appreciate the hours you invested, and we honor your contributions as an important part of the strategic planning process.


The plan is being modified in meaningful ways based on your feedback.  A final draft will be presented to the Board of Trustees at the beginning of April and may be further revised prior to their meeting at the end of April.  We appreciate your patient engagement in this process, and look forward to the phase of implementation.


It seems there is scarce time to catch our breath as the college races toward end of the academic year and prepares to send another class of graduates to be agents of hope around the world.  We pray for God’s grace and peace to be with you as we move through this important season in the life of the college.



John Knapp and Nancy DeWitt

Strategic Planning Steering Committee Co-Chairs

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