Office of the President

Inauguration Day details for Faculty and Staff – Friday, September 13

Thank you so much for being a part of the Presidential Inauguration celebration. We know that some aspects of inauguration day can disrupt routines (parking lot closures, anyone?!), which is why we are especially grateful for your patience and your collaborative, celebratory spirit. This is a special day in the history of the college, and, as one faculty member recently said to us, “What a great day it will be!” 

Here are a few final reminders for faculty before Friday’s ceremony and celebration:

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at

As always, thank you for everything you do for Hope College — and thank you for your cooperation. What a great day it will be!

Spera in Deo —

Mary Remenschneider, Office of the President
Jennifer Fellinger, Public Affairs and Marketing
Co-chairs, Presidential Inauguration Committee

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