New Student Orientation

Words of Wisdom: On Making Friends

Two junior women give some advice to new students about how to make friends at Hope College!

Hey! I’m Samantha Choy and I am going to be a junior this fall! I’m studying music and ministry and I’m involved in Nykerk, intramurals, and the worship team. 

Even though Hope is on the smaller side compared to big state schools, making friends can still be difficult. It’s important to branch out and get to know people who are different from you because you can learn so much from them, and they may surprise you! Don’t be afraid to reach out to someone even if you don’t know them very well. People at Hope LOVE meeting up at LJ’s to grab a cup of coffee and to sit down for a chat. And can I let you in on a little secret? Every other new student is just as eager as you are to make friends. So, seriously, don’t be afraid to send that text and make plans to hang out.

 Also, don’t be discouraged if you don’t feel like you’ve found your ‘people’ right away or even in the first year! I made great friends during my freshman year, people who I still love dearly today, but it wasn’t until my sophomore year that I met some of my best friends! So keep trying! It may be hard, but good things don’t always come easy. If you make an effort and are authentic, you’ll meet the right people at the right times.

Hi everyone! My name is Caryn Dannah and I a student at Hope College pursuing a degree in Religion with a Christian History and Theology focus. On top of being a student at Hope College, I am also a resident assistant, volunteer services committee member, secretary for Hope Catholics club, and a Phelps Scholar alumni. I also have also dedicated a lot of my time to volunteering and mission trips because I have a passion for serving people around me.

I believe that the best way to make friends at Hope is to get involved shortly after you arrive. Hope College is full of so many communities that have the opportunity to come together and overlap in such unique ways. This could be in your residence hall, campus traditions, the Phelps Scholars Program, athletics, bible study, music ensembles, theatre, academic clubs, or more! Getting involved in these different areas of campus will allow you to discover so much more along the way, and often include fun activities such as beach trips or doughnut runs.

Most importantly, don’t be afraid to try something new! I joined so many different clubs during my first year and it was amazing getting to know so many different kinds of people. Putting yourself out there will contribute to your college experience in an incredible way!

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