New Student Orientation

Words of Wisdom: On Getting Involved

For this topic, we have one sophomore (someone who just finished her freshmen year) and senior (someone who knows the ins and outs of ways to get involved at Hope). Read their pieces of advice for how to get involved at Hope and make your Hope experience your own!

Lizzy Bassett is one of the Sophomore Class Reps on Student Congress and a Dykstra Hall RA. She is pursuing a degree in Communication and Global Studies. When she’s not doing schoolwork, you can always find Lizzy talking too loud and attending campus events, such as Coffeehouse. One of Lizzy’s favorite activities freshman year was Nykerk Oration, and she hopes you to audition for it too!

When entering college, you might have heard people tell you to “say yes to everything,” or “try as many things as possible.” While these sentiments are good and true, they are only part of the story. You can be taught how to say “yes” to everything, but you can’t be taught how to be passionate.

However, you might find your passions by saying yes to different opportunities, and when that happens, lean into it. You’ll find that there may be a time when one of the activities you joined for fun somehow becomes more important and meaningful than just a club or campus tradition. Lean into it.  Sometimes, your involvement will hand you a sense of responsibility for something larger than yourself. When this happens, it’s up to you whether or not you seize the opportunity and run with it. In Roald Dahl’s book, Matilda, five-year-old Matilda says, “Never do anything by halves if you want to get away with it. Be outrageous. Go the whole hog.” Allow this to be your license to take risks. Be so bold that the impact that you create is just as deep as the impact your passion has on you. New students, for what it’s worth, lean into it. Go the whole hog.

Jared Lowe is entering his senior year at Hope. He is studying Business and Chemistry, and hopes to work in healthcare administration after college. He is a worship team leader for the Chapel band, a high jumper for the Track & Field team, and a Young Life leader. His favorite chick flick is The Proposal, and his favorite Yankee candle scent is Balsam and Cedar.

Take care of yourself first semester! Don’t stress too much about your schoolwork, but be diligent. Hope offers so much more than just an education. You can study your passion in school, but still pursue hobbies and other passions outside of the classroom. It’s all about balance.

 Take guitar lessons so you can learn that song you’ve always wanted to play. Join a bible study to find a great community and participate in intentional conversations. Play intramural badminton with that girl or guy down the hall that you inevitably have a crush on. I can tell you from experience that your four years here will feel like four weeks, so think very deeply about the impact you want to make and the spiritual and personal growth that you want to experience during your time here!

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