New Student Orientation

Welcome to the Blog! +FAQ Friday Re-Cap 6/11

Allow us to be among the first of many to welcome you to Hope College and to the Orientation blog! We are excited that you have made the transformational decision to join the Hope community. Our lives have changed because of the academic programs, spiritual and leadership growth opportunities, and meaningful relationships that Hope offers, and we know that you will flourish here too! This is a big and exciting transition and we are eager to support and equip you for the start of a great Hope experience. 

We also want to extend a welcome to the families of our new students as you all begin this journey together! Orientation will provide you with information and experiences so you are ready to have a student at Hope.

How to stay connected with us:

The majority of our communication will be through three online platforms: this blog, @hopeorientation, and the Orientation website. Schedules, instructions for how to RSVP for Orientation, and move-in details will be available on these platforms in the coming months. Finally, students should be sure to regularly check their Hope student email as that is a landing spot for important information.

On this blog, you will find stories and advice from current students and staff about their college experience to help you become familiar with the Hope community and culture. In particular, keep a look-out each Wednesday for installments of our “Anchored in Hope” blog series with these stories.

FAQ Friday Re-Cap 6/11

How is the food on campus?

There are two options for a large dining hall experience: Phelps Dining Hall and Cook Dining Hall. Both serve a variety of options for all tastes and diet accommodations. Menus and hours are also provided on their website to make deciding what to eat easy! Every meal plan also comes with dining dollars which can be used at the Kletz Market and Cup and Chaucer for an on-the-go dining experience. We highly recommend checking out the Dining Services website for more information!

Update on Covid-19 Safeguards?

Currently, students are allowed to be on campus without a mask if they are fully vaccinated (“fully vaccinated” is defined as at least two weeks have passed after receiving the final dose of an FDA-approved or authorized Covid-19 vaccine). As always, the pandemic is a dynamic situation that continues to require flexibility with plans and safeguards.

What is living in a dorm like?

There are multiple dorms that offer a variety of living styles, with the majority of them being in the format of two roommates to a room with a community bathroom. Each dorm also has a full kitchen, lounge area, and laundry access. For more information, check out the Residential Life website!

What’s the change in academic rigor from high school to college?

The biggest transition between high school and college is balancing what to spend time on. In high school, you likely spent most of your time in class and less time on outside homework. In college, this balance will be flipped. Learning is more independent! You will have the chance to take your education into your own hands. Balancing the academic and social part of your life will be essential, but we are here for you every step of the way!

How do you get involved on campus?

One part of our scheduled Orientation programming is the Activities Fair! This is a time when all of the clubs and student organizations on campus get together for students to learn about how to get involved. It is a great time to explore the many options for building friendships on campus.

What other activities are available near campus?

Most students stay on campus over the weekends, exploring the many options for adventures near campus. First, Hope sits a block away from downtown Holland, with tons of shops and restaurants to experience. Within driving distance are many great beaches to enjoy during the warmer months but also during the winter for beautiful sunsets. Other options include lots of outdoor focused activities like hiking or rock climbing. Finally, Grand Rapids is just a 35 minute drive and offers even more fun opportunities. Also, SAC (Student Activities Committee) plans regular events for students to get involved with on the weekends.

What if I don’t have a car on campus?

No worries! Asking around for rides is normal and a great way to make friends. One resource that is provided is a Meijer shuttle that operates one evening a week, for any student needing a ride for groceries etc.

What are our favorite study spots on campus?

The Bultman Student Center is a popular choice for a more social study atmosphere. The library offers great options for single study rooms but also lots of group study areas. Finally, the Boerigter Center for Calling and Career supplies a lot of study space for students! Off campus, there are lots of coffee shops that all have different atmospheres and study areas.

What are some of the traditions on campus?

Hope College is known for it’s traditions, so here are some links to the ones we discussed:

The Pull

Nykerk Cup Competition

Dance Marathon

That’s all we’ve got for you this week!  If there is anything we can do to be more helpful or accommodating to your individual needs, please let us know. We can be reached by email at We, along with the entire Orientation 2021 team, look forward to sharing our stories with you over the upcoming months!

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