New Student Orientation

FAQ Friday Re-Cap: July 17


Before we get started answering questions, we want to briefly talk about move-in logistics.

You (or your student) were just assigned a move-in time this week. If you do not have that information, please email or That email will reiterate some of these clarifications:

Tip for families: A toolbox is a great gift for your new college student. They will be the envy of their living cohort if they have a toolbox to fix little things that happen throughout the year. 

Are there any activities planned for the students who move-in early: Yes! During the day, students will be able to eat in the dining halls, pick-up their books from the bookstore, grab a parking pass, engage with their hall/house/clustermates, explore downtown, etc. Orientation will also be hosting some smaller-scale events in the evenings after move-in is finished for the day.  More details are to come!

Residential Life

Is there storage in the dorm halls for student use?: Not during the school year… but they can store bikes for you during the winter and can store larger items for students living out-of-state during the summertime.

Where do students have access to printers? Printers are available in the basement of each dorm along with computers that are connected to those printers. CIT has instructions for how students can connect their laptops to printers. Cottages and apartments do not have printers, but students have free access to non-color printers in the library and in some academic buildings. Color printing is available for 25 cents a page through the library and Print and Mail Services!

Are vacuums available? Vacuums are available for each living cohort.

What cleaning supplies do we need to bring for the dorms? Community cleaning supplies will be available in the community spaces. You should also be sure to bring paper towels, kleenex, clorox wipes, lysol, hand sanitizer, and anything else you might need to keep your room clean and germ free!

Another Tip: Don’t forget to bring laundry detergent, softener, dryer sheets, or whatever you may need to wash your clothes because cleaning your laundry is just as important! Cam usually does a dollar store run to buy smaller, individual cleaning supplies (wax candle things, duster, sponge, handheld vacuum, dish soap, laundry soap, little broom and dustpan)

How will I get my ID for the school year? Submit a headshot photo (you can find the link to submit it here!) Please us a blank background, bright lighting, and have it be a picture of only you! You need this ID to access your res hall and the dining hall!

How can students use the Dow Center? This is the gym on campus. It also has an indoor track and basketball courts and a pool. You can use it any time that it is open with just your Hope ID. We are unsure if the Dow will be open because we have to comply with the executive orders from our governor.

Where Can I Find…

Are all of the FAQs and answers listed somewhere? Yes, on our blog! Every Monday, we post written out answers to the questions we received on Friday. The link is in our bio! We also just added a cool new resource on our website called “10 things to know (or do) to prepare for college.” You can find our full archive of FAQ Friday Re-Caps there!

I have not been receiving the Zoom links to the live events on Tuesdays, where can I find those? Check out our orientation website (10 things) or blog for the links to those!

I know a lot of information is in those Tuesday Tidings emails, can I have access to those too? The link to the Tuesday Tidings emails is available to access on our website as part of the “10 Things to know before coming to college.” You can find the full archive here.


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