Six Books You Never Knew You Needed to Know…You Know?

While helping a professor organize the floor-to-ceiling bookcases in his office, I stumbled across some titles that fascinated me and authors I never knew existed, silly me. I have built up a large collection of photos in my phone of these books. The other day I found myself thinking, “You know who might enjoy these? The people of Opus.”

Prove me right. Read ‘em all.

  1. The Gift: Creativity and the Artist in the Modern World by Lewis Hyde

Seems like one of those books that would inspire even the most writer’s block-y, cynical, jaded creatives. Whether you write, paint, glue recycled plastic together, capture photos, compose…it’s a gift.

  1. Shattered Sonnets, Love Cards, and Other Off and Back Handed Importunities by Olena Kalytiak Davis

She would be an author I’d like to sit down with over coffee (or something a little stronger) and sift through her love life with. This is a raw and unadulterated look into the human heart–unromanticized of course.

  1. The Confidence Woman: 26 Women Writers At Work edited by Eve Shelnutt

If you’re a lady who plans on having a career, get yourself this anthology and prepare for inspiration and gratitude.

  1. The Open Door: 100 Years of Poetry Magazine edited by Don Share and Christian Wiman

This anthology features an introduction by Christian Wiman that is, quite frankly, one of the most provoking reflections on poetry as craft I have ever read.

  1. Hannah and the Mountain: Notes toward a Wilderness Fatherhood by Jonathan Johnson

I mean, come on! Wilderness fatherhood! How beautiful and Walt Whitman-esque!

  1. Eleanor Roosevelt’s Book of Common Sense Etiquette

It was probably common sense then, and my LANTA do we need it now. Features helpful tips about eating with the fork in the left hand.


Deep appreciation for Professor Pablo Peschiera’s personal library.

~Sarah Kolthoff

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