India Shear ’22 – Denver, Colorado

Hi everyone!

My name is Indi Shear and I am a senior social work major at Hope College. I have grown up in the small farm town of Wabash, Indiana and am so excited to experience city life and all the beauty that Denver, Colorado has to offer! I have the opportunity to intern at Hope House, which is an organization that aims to empower teen moms and provide support and resources to these women and their children.

I am looking forward to all the hikes, farmer’s markets, new coffee shops, and thrifting that I get to do in this city! Above all, I am looking forward to the social work experience and serving this community of women and children. I can’t wait for the inevitable personal and spiritual growth that will occur through this increased independence. I know I will have so much to say throughout this experience and I am super pumped to write all about it!

Stick around if you want to see this farm girl navigate life in the city! (I’m sure there will be some very comical and embarrassing moments).