Van Wylen Library

The Golden Compass at the Library

Have you seen the film “The Golden Compass”? It is based on book one of the Philip Pullman “His Dark Materials” trilogy. Book two is called “The Subtle Knife” and book three “The Amber Spyglass”. The library has all three along with two books which discuss Pullman’s theology: “Killing the Imposter God” by Donna Freitas, and “Shedding Light on His Dark Materials” by Kurt Brunner. I’ll say 3 things about the book/movie connection. The movie moves very quickly, so having read the book is a big plus. The movie also follows the plot of the book very closely so readers should not be disappointed (until the end, that is). The movie ends before the book does, so if you see the film and want to read the next two books, you really should start at the beginning with “The Golden Compass”. And if you are worried about the religious perspective of the movie, I’ll tell you that the minister’s kids who saw the movie with me thought the bad guys were from the government, not from a religious group. But if you want the words of real reviewers, look in some of our current periodical literature for reviews and essays. The reference desk can help you at x7904.

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