Van Wylen Library

New Faculty Grant Search Service

This summer, Van Wylen’s reference department, in collaboration with Tracey Nally of the Sponsored Research Office, is piloting a new grant research service. Faculty members looking for grant funding for a specific project can now enlist the help of a research librarian. There is a form available on the faculty services page of the library website where you can describe your project and funding needs. The request is then sent to the reference department, where a librarian and student assistant will search for grants that meet your criteria using subscription databases like Foundation Search America and GrantSelect Plus.

“We realize that searching for appropriate grant sources is a labor intensive process.” says Jessica Hronchek, reference and instruction librarian. “By utilizing librarian research skills to locate possible grants and having student assistants help narrow down the list by eliminating non-eligible matches, we hope to assist faculty in this first step so that they can move forward in the application process.”

If you have any questions, please contact Jessica Hronchek ( or Tracey Nally (

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