Van Wylen Library

Ambrose Video Trial

Ambrose Video has over 1200 streaming educational videos in their archives, and, for the next month, Van Wylen library users have access to three complete Ambrose collections. During this trial period, you can stream all 37 of the BBC productions of Shakespeare’s plays, six hour-long episodes tracing the history of Christianity from its beginnings to the modern day, and a six episode series detailing Western art history. The trial expires on December 30.

This is one of the library’s first explorations of streaming video subscriptions. We would appreciate your feedback on the contents, quality and usability of this service, as we decide if this would be a worthwhile investment. Please send your comments to You can also browse a list of Ambrose’s complete offerings to see what other series are available from this vendor. Let us know if there are other titles that would be of interest to you.

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