Van Wylen Library

Sustainable Collections Project

For the past several years, the library has been working on a “sustainable collections” project which involves removing older, unused, readily-available books from the library collection.  The final part of the current phase will occur this summer when we look at books on the 4th floor and the Art section on the 2nd floor.  Call numbers beginning with A, B, C, D, and N are now up for review.  Corresponding subjects are Philosophy, Religion, World History, and Art.  Books that meet the criteria for withdrawal have been marked with green flags.  Faculty may replace any of those flags with red flags to indicate that the library should keep any given title.  If you prefer, you may highlight titles to be kept on an Excel spreadsheet and return that sheet to Dave O’Brien (  We will begin removing books from the collection in late May, which gives faculty at least two months to look through their areas of interest and flag the books we should keep.  Red flags are available at the library’s main circulation desk.  If you have any questions please contact Kelly Jacobsma ( ; x7738) or Dave O’Brien ( ; x7791).

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