Van Wylen Library

Dr. Tim Laman’s "Birds of Paradise"

Hope College alumnus Dr. Tim Laman (’83) is no stranger to the birds of paradise. These 39 species of birds are brightly colored, plumed, magnificent birds of New Guinea, Australia and nearby regions.

Laman and ornithologist Dr. Edwin Scholes conducted 18 expeditions from 2004 to 2011 to photograph and film the birds. Their trip and project have not only been presented on a one-hour television special on the National Geographic Channel, but also in the December issue of National Geographic magazine and in the illustrated book Birds of Paradise: Revealing the World’s Most Extraordinary Birds, which is currently in Van Wylen’s browsing collection.

If you’re interested in the birds of paradise and Laman’s work, Van Wylen has some resources that can help you. Clifford Frith published an overview of birds of paradise, and John Stewart Dunning’s Portraits of Tropical Birds provides a similar pictorial essay about Latin American tropical birds. Many magazines have featured articles on the birds of paradise. A basic Academic OneFile search reveals articles from The Economist and Birder’s World about the birds.

Laman will be sharing his experiences in the rainforest with the Hope community on Wednesday, January 30. The lecture will take place in DeWitt Main Theater at 7:30 p.m.

–Madalyn Muncy, Library Student Blogger

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