Van Wylen Library

New Database: JSTOR Life Sciences

To better support Hope College’s science programs, librarians at Van Wylen Library are excited to announce that Hope students, faculty, and staff now have access to the journal archives of more than 280 titles in the life sciences through the JSTOR Life Sciences Collection.


Notable titles include:

Science (1880-2011)
American Journal of Nursing (1900-2009)








American Naturalist (1867-2013)
BioScience (1964-2013)








British Medical Journal/BMJ (1857-2013)
Radiation Research (1954-2011)








Disciplines covered include aquatic science, botany, developmental & cell biology, ecology, paleontology, and zoology.


All these titles are more are now available at JSTOR. A full listing of available titles is also available.

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