Van Wylen Library

Greenwood Guides to Science and Religion

Van Wylen Library offers a wide collection of resources that highlight many different subjects. Recently, new resources in religious studies have become available. The Greenwood Guides to Science and Religion, available from Credo Reference, give multiple options to find information on these subjects. These volumes can be accessed by any student, faculty, or staff with a Hope username and password. The essays in the Greenwood Guides address extensive information that question intelligent design, discuss the relationship of the roots of religion and its current path  compare different religions, and integrate opinions and studies of professors specializing in science and religion. With critical thinking, they combine an analysis of many difficult questions, such as the concept of the mind without the soul, with the history of Liberal Protestantism, Islam, Evangelism, Catholicism and Judaism. These books provide many resources that will be helpful when seeking a historical analysis of religion.

For more information on research in religious studies, be sure to start with the Religion Research Guide. Search the library catalog for religion subject books available in print and electronically.


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