Hope College Class of 2020

Jerabith McClint

“Knowledge is realizing that the street is one way; wisdom is looking in both directions anyway.”

One thing I’ve always struggled with since a child is a pesky eye condition, which is actually a great metaphor in conjunction with this quote. I had often struggled to look both ways because my left eye hurt like the Dickens, but also because I had always liked to think that my street was the right one. I want to shout out the class of 2020 for always helping me turn my head and opening me up to the beauty of community and trust. Wednesdays were always the day in the middle of the week when I needed a break from the grind, and I took this day to more intentionally spend time with my people. So on this Wednesday, I salute the memory of all of you and look forward to the Wednesday when we can finally reunite.

Also feel free to follow my YouTube channel.

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