Congratulations, You Did It!

Hey there, you amazing human! I want to draw your attention to all the hard work you just accomplished. Yes, you, the one who conquered those seemingly insurmountable mountains of study guides, projects, final semester assignments, and exams. Give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back because guess what? That was a LOT of work, and YOU DID IT! (Cue confetti sprinkles, fireworks, and a round of applause or two.)

You survived exam week. You showed up, worked hard, didn’t give up, and worked hard some more. That’s a lot to be proud of. Take a moment to celebrate all that you have accomplished. Think back to the first day of class and reading those syllabus novels. The readings, assignments, quizzes, and tests – you did all that, for every class. And, hopefully, you learned tons along the way. You might have even discovered a thing or two about yourself. You might have even uncovered a new passion or found the path you want to pursue. 

As this week is wrapping up and you begin your farewell bid to campus (and all those late-night study sessions), take a moment to reflect on the things you’re proud of and grateful for. Write down five things. Research shows that after or during a time of significant stress, practicing gratitude can improve your mental and physical well-being. It can also help you identify important moments of your journey. 

Next, let the weight of those textbooks slide off your shoulders. It’s time to shift gears. Summer is knocking at your door with promises of sunshine, relaxation, and adventures waiting to be had.

So, take a deep breath and let go of the tension and stress you’ve just experienced. While we understand that many of you still have responsibilities during summer time (jobs, internships, family, or maybe even a class or two), try to view summer as a chance for you to recharge your batteries, nourish your soul, and rediscover the joy in the simple things – like flip-flops, ice cream cones, the laughter of friends, and the warmth of the sunshine.

For now, my friend, let’s raise a toast to all your accomplishments, both big and small. Let’s release our pent-up tension and remember the moments of doubt you overcame and the resilience that carried you through. Here’s to you! *HOORAH* 

So go ahead, soak up the sunshine, chase those dreams, and make memories that will last a lifetime. You’ve earned it. Here’s to an unforgettable summer filled with endless possibilities. Cheers to you!

Well, hello there!

Thanks for stopping by to check out our new Student Support and Retention (SSR) blog space. We will use this page to post helpful tips and resources that are important to being academically successful *and* all around thriving at Hope College! Our office is new to posting, so we thought what better way to start than by introducing ourselves.

Our team is made up of five incredible members who all bring a bit of their own spice and personality to their roles. We each have extensive backgrounds in helping guide students through their academic journeys. 

First up, our team leader.

Alyssa Boss Pellegrino

Be kind to yourself in the way you would to a close friend.”

Role: Associate Registrar for Student Support and Retention


  • Lead Student Support and Retention team
  • Co-lead First Year Transitions Team
  • Oversee freshmen registration
  • Provide training to students, faculty, and staff on curriculum and registration tools
  • Member of the CARE team

Professional Experience: I went to the University of Michigan to get my MSW with a focus on school social work. Soon after beginning my career as a school social worker, I was offered a job within the Registrar’s Office assisting with registration and data processing. This position grew to utilize my background in social work. I began working in advising, overseeing Degree Works and freshmen registration, and taking on a large role with student intervention through the CARE team. This work eventually evolved to my position today. I really enjoy working with students, helping them find ways to thrive in college, and working closely with the amazing staff and faculty at Hope to create new initiatives to better serve students. I am also fortunate enough to have the opportunity to teach First Year Seminar each fall. I enjoy journeying alongside students in their first semester as their professor and advisor as they get acclimated to college. 

Best Advice for College Students: Take risks and try new things. College is a great time to practice life skills for life after graduation. Put yourself out there and join a few clubs, show up to new events, ask for help and connect with resources, try a new subject that interests you, and practice a new study skill. There are so many opportunities and resources available to you and lots of people who want to help you find your place at Hope. 

What’s your go-to comfort food? Anything with bread and cheese – grilled cheese, bagel and cream cheese, quesadilla…

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? Be kind to yourself in the way you would to a close friend. And, assume that everyone is doing the best that they can with what they have. It makes you a much happier and more empathetic person. 

If you could live in any time period, past or future, when would it be? And, why? I would choose to stay living now because I love all of the friends and family that I have, but if I could go for a quick visit I would choose the 1920s just to experience the fashion. 

Anna Bonnema

Plan in time to care for yourself, make space for short walks and journaling.

Role:  Professor and Champion of Belonging 

Responsibilities: I run the FACES (Fostering a Community of Excellence in Science) peer mentoring program, and teach FYS and SRS.  I seek to promote belonging on the campus through discussions and activities and conversations over coffee.

Professional Experience:  I have been at Hope College for 14 years.

Best Advice for College Students:  Plan in time to care for yourself, make space for short walks and journaling.  

Personal Favorite College Experience:  I loved going to football games as an undergraduate at Michigan State.

Likes/Hobbies: Reading, traveling, hiking, snuggling my dog, creamy earl grey tea, oatmilk lattes, deep conversations.

Dislikes: Large crowds, small talk, candy corn.  

What’s your favorite way to unwind after a busy day?  Curling up on the couch with blankets and a mug of tea and a really good book. 

What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done?  My husband and I climbed Mt. Fuji.  

Sarah Escareno

Life has a way of winding its path to you and where you are meant to go. You just have to be brave enough to take one step at a time and actively look in and around yourself. I promise, if you do this, you’ll find life’s beauty and all of its endless possibilities.

Role: Assistant Registrar for Student Support and Retention

Responsibilities: I provide support to students on academic probation and work with undeclared/undecided students to help increase their sense of belonging and help them build sustainable relationships with various on-campus resources. I also coordinate and create communications to be used on different platforms and social media outlets. 

Professional Experience: I attended Arizona State University for both my undergraduate and graduate degrees. Soon after graduating, I worked in the Registrar’s Office at the University of Phoenix and then, after moving to Michigan, began working at Hope College in 2013. I’ve had several different roles in the Registrar’s Office at Hope College (processing transcripts, enrollment verifications, major declarations, substitution/waiver forms, and registration changes; overseeing transfer credit and data request submissions) and have taught English 113 and First Year Seminar courses. My favorite part of my work is learning about Hope students and walking alongside them on their academic journey. Everyone has a unique story and I feel honored when people share their stories with me.

Best Advice for College Students: College is the best time to discover yourself and what you are passionate about. To do this, try something new. Don’t be afraid or overthink every decision you make. (Of course, be safe and responsible, but don’t fret endlessly over whether or not you’ve made the right decision.) Life has a way of winding its path to you and where you are meant to go. You just have to be brave enough to take one step at a time and actively look in and around yourself. I promise, if you do this, you’ll find life’s beauty and all of its endless possibilities. 

Personal Favorite College Experience: My favorite thing about college was discovering who I am and what I’m truly passionate about. I was always a quiet, introverted, rule-follower, and, in college, I found my voice. I discovered a deep love for English, writing, creativity, film, and all other art forms. I believe a piece of one’s soul is reflected in the work they create and college taught me how to look for these traces. 

Dislikes:  Peas. I don’t like the smell, taste, or texture. And, I really, really dislike being late (even though I’m learning that sometimes things are just out of our control).

What’s your favorite way to unwind after a busy day? A hug from my husband and kiddos. Then, watching a show or movie together on the couch. Or, laying on the hammock and reading (with or without others).

What’s your favorite hobby outside of work? All the crafts/hobbies! I love photography, writing, knitting, painting, drawing, gardening, pretend play (with my kiddos and dog), cardboard creations, quilling, reading, watching TV, board games, playing with clay, embroidery, and chicken-ing. I’m always up for trying a new craft or hobby. I just really like learning about new things.

Betsy Watson

There is no other time in life like your college years – take time to enjoy it and even perhaps take a risk.. or two!

Role: FOCUS and SOAR Program Director, Retention Coordinator. 

Responsibilities: Along with a team of FOCUS and SOAR advisors, I support first year students in adjusting to college and developing the skills and habits needed to become academically successful. 

Professional Experience: Prior to coming to Hope College, I worked with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship for 8 years as Campus Staff, Team Leader, and as an Associate Area Director in West Michigan.

Best Advice for College Students: There is always a Plan B.. and C… and D.. and so on. Now is a wonderful time in life to try new things, stretch outside your comfort zone, and learn what your own values and passions are. There is no other time in life like your college years – take time to enjoy it and even perhaps take a risk.. or two!

Personal Favorite College Experience: Too many to name.. photo shoots in the GVSU fountains my freshman year. Finals week movie marathons with friends. Annual Chapter Focus Week trips to the U.P. with InterVarsity are some highlights.

Likes/Hobbies: After work, you’ll often find me in the kitchen with my husband as we test out new recipes or learn how to bake different types of bread (it’s more exciting than it sounds). We also enjoy kayaking the many rivers in West Michigan, hiking with our dog, or checking out a new restaurant in Grand Rapids.

Dislikes:  Canned tuna.. just can’t do it. 

What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done? I packed a lot of travel into my first year post-college. I did an independent study abroad in Wales the summer after spring semester. I then moved to China for a year the following September to teach English as a Second language. While I’ve definitely had some fun adventures since then, I haven’t traveled as much in one year since 2011-2012… yet! 

What’s your favorite way to unwind after a busy day? I love walking my dog around a local park and playing fetch with him. The combination of being surrounded by physical beauty while doing something active and repetitive is a great yet simple way to unwind after a full day. 

Patrick Weisgerber

Asking for help when you are stuck/unsure/lost is a moment of vulnerability, but it is not a sign of weakness. It’s a sign of strength.

Role: Student Support Manager 

Responsibilities: My focus in this role is to connect with students and help them find the path towards thriving in their college journey. 

Professional Experience: I have worked at a few different institutions where I have been a scholarship coordinator, a student success coach, an academic advisor, and I was even the Residential Life Coordinator for Kollen Hall. I’ve also dipped my toes in the tech start-up world! 

Best Advice for College Students: Asking for help when you are stuck/unsure/lost is a moment of vulnerability, but it is not a sign of weakness. It’s a sign of strength. It is you saying “I care about this enough to make sure I understand it properly.” 

Personal Favorite College Experience: I ran cross country and track for a small D3 college like Hope called North Central College. We won the D3 National Championship three out of the four years I was there, and those were all really special! 

Likes/Hobbies: I really enjoy exercising through a variety of means: running, swimming, softball, and ultimate frisbee. I’m also an avid coffee drinker (7 different ways of making coffee at home). Lately, I’ve been getting back into reading for fun!

Dislikes: Ketchup, milk/creamer in coffee, drivers not using turn signals

What’s your favorite way to unwind after a busy day? Go for a run, then watch one of my Chicago sports teams.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why? Shapeshifting — who wouldn’t want to live as a dog when things got hard?

What’s your go-to comfort food? Sweet potato fries or donuts

If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go? Somewhere with cool weather and mountains. Ireland? Greenland? Iceland?

What’s the most interesting thing you’ve learned recently? Your gut health has an immense impact on your mental health! What you put into your body can really impact how you respond to stressful situations. Come talk to me about it!

We are excited to partner with students on their academic journey! Thanks again for stopping by. We’ll have more for you soon.