History Department

Spring 2022 Course Offerings

Advising week kicks off this coming Monday, with Registration starting Monday, 11/8. Take a look below at our options for this coming spring. You can always check out the full schedule here.

HIST 130 | Intro to Ancient Civilizations | Prof. Maggie Burr | TR 1:30 – 2:50 PM

This course will focus on significant developments in history from its Mesopotamian, Egyptian, and Greek origins through the Renaissance. It is designed to introduce the student to the discipline of history.

4 Credits | CH1

HIST 131 | Intro to Modern European History | Dr. Fred Johnson | TR 9:30 – 10:50 AM

The course will focus on significant developments in modern European history from the Renaissance to our own time. It is designed to introduce the student to the discipline of history.

4 Credits | CH2

HIST 140 | Religion, Politics, and Society in Europe | Dr. Janis Gibbs | MW 1-1:50 PM

Using the early modern period of European history (1500-1800) –think Renaissance, Reformation, the Thirty Years’ War, the Scientific Revolution, the French Revolution, among other topics–we will work on the basics of conducting historical research and writing analytical research papers.  This course focuses on reading, understanding, and constructing historical arguments, on thinking like a historian, on conducting historical research, and on improving your writing skills in the context of scholarly historical writing. This course is required for history majors and minors, and is an option for fulfilling the  methodology course requirement for the Global Studies major.

2 Credits

HIST 175 – 01A & 01B | Michigan History | Dr. Fred Johnson | TR 12-1:20 PM (01A) & TR 1:30-2:50 PM (01B)

This course is a survey of Michigan History to the present and is primarily designed for students majoring in education. The main objective of History 175 is for students to demonstrate an understanding of the chronology, narratives, perspectives, and interpretations of Michigan history from its beginnings to the present. To this end, students will: examine relationships, including cause and effect, among important events from the era; identify the sequence of these events and describe the setting and the people affected; analyze and compare interpretations of events from a variety of perspectives; and assess the implications and long-term consequences of key decisions made at critical turning points in Michigan history.
2 Credits

HIST 200 – 01A | The Holocaust | Dr. Janis Gibbs | TR 3-4:20 PM

The Holocaust is probably something most students have encountered, either in school, in movies, or in literature. (Think Schindler’s List or Life is Beautiful on screen, or Elie Wiesel’s masterpiece, Night.)  In this class, we will consider the reasons for the development of a plan of genocide by the Nazis, and the methods by which they carried out their plans.   We will use video, written primary sources, and historical analyses to study the Holocaust.  It’s not cheerful, but it’s important. Think about the genocide of the Rohynga in Myanmar, or the Chinese attempts to destroy the culture of the Uighur population,  or the genocide in Darfur in the early 2000s.  As human beings, we are bound to understand atrocity, so we can resist it.  

2 Credits

HIST 207 | Introduction to World History to 1500 | Dr. Wayne Tan | MWF: 9:30-10:20 AM (Online synchronous)

What is world history? This is a question of great interest among historians across the fields and of relevance to all of us today. In this course, we will discover details and the broad canvas of world history. We will study major themes in world history from the ancient times until around 1500—from the foundations of the ancient civilizations through the rise of medieval empires and the early modern maritime global order. Who were the Greeks, Arabs, Mongols, and Chinese? How did various foreign cultures interact with one another? How were empires built and why did they go to war? These are some questions related to the themes we will regularly consider throughout this course. By the end of this course, we will learn that the world we live in today is (and continues to be) shaped by events from the distant past, and appreciate how texts, art, and digital media can help us tell our shared histories. 

4 Credits | CH1, GLI

HIST 208 | Intro World History since 1500 | Dr. Lauren Janes | Online Asynchronous

Toussaint Louverture on horseback, hand coloured etching by an unknown artist, French, 1802. Courtesy of the Victoria and Albert Museum, 29510:20.

This course examines global connectivity in the last 500 years of world history. An online asynchronous course, students engage with the material through readings, asynchronous discussions of texts, video lectures, podcasts, and a digital textbook. Students also meet once a week, at a set and consistent time, in a required Google Meet with Dr. Janes for a small group tutorial session discussing the week’s material. 

4 Credits | CH2, GLI

HIST 215 | The Roman World | Dr. Bram ten Berge | MWF 12-12:50 PM

The Romans dominated the Mediterranean world for centuries. Their language, literature and architecture are still the basis for western culture. Sometimes they seem like modern people, except for those funny togas, but when we look at them more closely we see that their culture might have been a thin veneer over the barbarism of gladiator games, slavery, and vast inequality between social classes. Through the study of written documents and archaeological remains we will try to understand who the Romans were and why we are still so fascinated by them. 

4 Credits

HIST 270 | Modern China | Dr. Gloria Tseng | MWF 2-2:50 PM

This course offers a narrative history of China from its last Imperial dynasty to its current Communist regime. The first three weeks of the course are devoted to the late Qing dynasty, or the society, institutions, and ways of thought of “traditional” China. The remaining twelve weeks of the course are devoted to twentieth-century China, which spans the Republican and Communist eras. Building upon the knowledge acquired in the first third of the course, we will seek to comprehend the making of “modern” China, a process that was often violent and tumultuous.

4 Credits

HIST 295 | Overthrowing Empire: Decolonization Across the Globe | Dr. Lauren Janes | TR 12-1:20 PM

Image via gandhiserve.org

This global history course examines the end of modern imperialism through a close look at two examples of revolutions leading to decolonization: India and Algeria. Throughout the course we will focus on studying the writings, theories, and tactics of anti-colonial leaders. Student research projects will focus on decolonization case studies in Africa, Asia, or the Middle East.

4 Credits | GLI

HIST 351 | Slavery & Race in America, 1619-Present: The Struggle Within | Dr. Fred Johnson | MW 3- 4:20 PM

From its origins as a British colonial society to its dominance as a global superpower, the United States has struggled to resolve conflicts arising from issues of race, ethnicity, and immigration. This course examines how such factors have influenced the overall development of the United States while exploring strategies for reconciling those and related challenges confronting Americans in the 21st century. 

4 Credits

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