Hope Academy of Senior Professionals

Communications Update

The Communications Committee is making plans for the upcoming year and is setting a direction to ensure that members receive information and updates in a timely and accurate way. After a two-year hiatus with no one leading this committee, there exists an opportunity to start fresh and rethink the best ways to communicate with our members. Look for more information on these plans in future monthly newsletters. The 2022 HASP Review was just released, and we hope you find it enjoyable reading and seeing what some of our members have written, drawn, photographed, and painted. You are invited to make your own contribution in next year’s edition. With over 700 members, wouldn’t it be nice to get just one story or piece of artwork from each member? That would make the Review voluminous! Please share your contributions with the HASP Office for inclusion in next year’s publication.

Remember to practice your ABCs: Be Accurate, Bold, and Concise when communicating!

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