Diverse Perspectives

Student Featured Art

It all started with friendship.  

Over the last year, the Center for Diversity and Inclusion was looking for artwork to display in the Keppel House.  We decided on a variety of artwork pieces that we purchased and hung on the walls.  However, we had a desire to showcase student artwork in the Keppel House.

Kenneth Munyuza, class of 2021, is the Center for Diversity and Inclusion’s first featured student artist. @createhopephotography

Sungmin “Steven” Suh heard about our need for art.  He also is a friend of Kenneth Munyuza.  Sungmin encouraged Kenneth to tell us about his photography.  Kenneth was shy so Sungmin told us to ask and what a great idea and opportunity that presented for us.

Sungmin “Steven” Suh and Kenneth Munyuza showing off 2 of the new pieces at the Keppel House. @createhopephotography

It didn’t take long for Jevon Willis, our director, to discover some images that he loved.  We asked our student employees for their feedback.  From there we had a few meetings about how to frame the images and decided where to hang them.  Now, when you come to the Keppel House, you will see some lovely photography on the walls by Kenneth Munyuza.

Sungmin “Steven” Suh and Kenneth Munyuza with 2 of Kenneth’s photos that are on display at the Keppel House. @createhopephotography

A special “thank you” goes out to Andy Near of the Kruizenga Art Museum who helped with the didactics for the walls.  Hope Laurencelle of @createhopephotography helped us to document the friendship and the photos at the Keppel House.  

You are invited to  stop by to view and enjoy Kenneth’s photographs whenever the Keppel House is open.

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