Computer Science Department

Students and Faculty attend Michigan Celebration of Women in Computing

Hope College students and faculty from the Computer Science Department attended the Michigan Celebration of Women in Computing the weekend of March 29 and 30, where they learned about Data Science and gender-bias in Software Engineering.
Here are some of their comments:
“MICWIC was an emboldening experience! It was so inspirational to hear the stories of other women currently working in the field. The opportunities presented also gave me greater awareness of the diverse careers I could pursue with a CS degree.”
“MICWIC was a great opportunity to learn about the diverse careers in computer science, network, and hear personal experience from industry professionals. I especially appreciated talking to the amazing women who attended and hearing the great things they are doing in computer science.”
“Attending MICMIC was an empowering experience that allowed me to meet and connect with other passionate and successful women. Hearing their stories encouraged me to address issues like gender bias, racial discrimination, and cultural exclusion in technology and computing.”
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