Hope Computer Science student team create app to help people find each other on Hope’s campus

Student Grace DuMez presented the Pallist application to a group of students, faculty, and local industry professionals on August 2, 2017. DuMez and her partner Michael Kiley (studying abroad in Mexico for Fall 2017) developed Pallist as part of the Summer 2017 Hope Software Institute under the supervision of Dr. Michael Jipping. Pallist is an application that helps people find friends located in the same building on Hope College’s campus.

Students in the Hope Software Institute create app to adjust reading level of web pages

On Wednesday, August 2, the team of Amber Carnahan and Jori Gelbaugh presented their work on Articulus, a Chrome extension whose goal is allow readers of a web page to adjust the reading level required to understand the page’s content. Amber and Jori worked under the direction of Dr. Mike Jipping as part of the Hope Software Institute.