Counseling and Psychological Services

Try “Distant Socializing” vs. Social Distancing: Honor our human nature of connection while physically apart

Review by Bonnie VanderWal, Ph.D., LLP, CAPS Staff Counselor

–Article by Melissa DeWitt:

This short article (linked above) lists strategies for staying connected, a basic human need, while we stay safe amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Stanford psychologist Jamil Zaki suggests changing our language about being together while remaining apart, and ways to combat loneliness by digitally hanging out. He also recommends looking at acts of human kindness and compassion, which are more representative of our human instincts in the face of disaster. He reminds us that choosing to be apart is an incredible act of kindness, something we can all do to protect those most vulnerable.

Special thanks to Dr. Sonja Trent-Brown for pointing out this article in her campus-wide e-mail on April 9!

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