Counseling and Psychological Services

Mind, Body & Spirit Wellness during COVID-19 (Guest Blog with Tim Koberna)

Tim Koberna is the Head Athletic Trainer and an Assistant Professor of Kinesiology at Hope College. He is passionate about student resiliency and grit, and approached CAPS about ways to collaborate to support all Hope students–in particular, the approximately 600 student-athletes–during this time. In that spirit, he writes the following to the Hope community in his second of a series of posts.

We continue to see change daily with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in our state, communities and personal lives.  In order to deal with these changes effectively, having a wellness plan for your mind, body and spirit is essential.  Below are 10 tips to help you with continued wellness during these changing times. Each of the following tips can be associated with maintaining a healthy mind, body and spirit.

1.  Find a routine and stick to it

2. Dress for the day you want 

3.  Move for at least 30 minutes

4.  Reach out to others

5.  Limit media conversations about COVID-19

6.  Notice good in your community

Stop and take notice of what your neighbors, churches, schools, and businesses are doing for the good.  Have gratitude for, and be inspired by their contributions, and feel hopeful for the future.

7.  Serve

8.  Eat well, stay hydrated and sleep

9.  Find something you can control by being creative

10.   Living in isolation while not isolated



If you would like to connect with someone in CAPS, call our office at 616.395.7945 during our office hours.

Are you following CAPS on social media? We have a Twitter and Instagram account with links, healthy reminders, and other good stuff.

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