
Awakening Reunion 2022

We hosted our annual Awakening reunion 2022 on the Saturday of Thanksgiving. It was a wonderful and joyous gathering with 5 college interns and 38 high school students! Some wrote out what they were thankful for and put it on our paper “Turkey!” Many caught up with our lives in random small and large groups, not to mention our amazing games of “Name that Tune” which some got in just 1-2 chords!

After eating together, we had a time of sharing led by Josh Banner, Awakening’s Director of Discipleship. Josh challenged us to talk to pair off and share why Awakening has been meaningful in our lives. This was so helpful, as many students returned back to the large group to share feelings such as:

“I thought I had friends before Awakening. After Awakening, I know what a TRUE friend(s) really is!”

“I am thankful for all I have learned in Awakening about worship and developing my worship arts gifts. But the true gift of Awakening is growing my relationship with Jesus Christ and learning what it looks like to have solitude and journal my prayers. This was the true gift of Awakening.”

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