Joint Archives of Holland Co-Sponsors Colloquium Series


The Joint Archives of Holland and the Hope College history department will co-sponsor “20th Century China and the Reformed Church in America”, on Thursday, January 22, 2015, 4:00 p.m., in the Herrick Room, DeWitt Center, Hope College, Holland, Michigan. The event will include Hope College history students Claire Barrett, ’15; Katelyn Dickerson, ’15; Victoria Henry, ’15. All three spent the summer of 2014 conducting research in the Joint Archives of Holland on the topic.

This event is free and the public is welcome to attend.

For more information please contact the Joint Archives of Holland, Hope College, at 616-395-7798 or

Evolution of Symphonic Music in Holland, Michigan Presentation

On Tuesday, January 13, at 7:30 p.m., the Holland Area Historical Society will host Kay Walvoord, President and CEO of the Holland Symphony Orchestra for her presentation titled “Evolution of Symphonic Music in Holland, Michigan.” The presentation will be at the Maas Center Auditorium, Hope College, 264 Columbia Avenue, Holland, Michigan.

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the founding of the Holland Symphony Orchestra (HSO). However, many smaller orchestras have called Holland home over the years, too. Join Ms. Walvoord as she reviews the history of the HSO, as well as smaller organizations and their influences on the orchestra.

This event is open to the public at no charge.

Board of World Missions Annual Reports Now Online

Annual Report 1858

The Board of Wold Missions annual reports and Women’s Board of World Missions annual reports are now online for the researchers to use for research. This additional material is part of the Joint Archives of Holland at Hope College’s ongoing mission to make available rare and unique archival materials to researchers around the world.

Local Man’s Experience During World War II Spotlighted

head shot in uniformAs a member of the Greatest Generation, George H. Kuiper was present for some of the most pivotal moments in American history, and his contributions to the United States’ story is one that needed to be shared. Over the past few months, Kuiper has shared his knowledge with the Joint Archives in a memoir detailing his days serving in the Second World War titled, “World War II As I Remember It.” From his early enlistment in July 1944 to his final days in Europe in June 1946, Kuiper’s story is a vivid account of his journey through the war, encompassing the rewarding comradery and immense gratification of victory, as well as the brutal, bloody realities of war.

Read the whole story in the Fall 2014 issue of the Joint Archives of Holland Quarterly newsletter.

Digital Holland, Michigan Website Provides History at Your Fingertips

DHM Logo (1)The latest issue of the Joint Archives of Holland Quarterly newsletter focuses on the creation and launch of the Digital Holland, Michigan website. Learn more about how this innovative approach to history makes information via electronic devices as we seek to learn more about historic sites, personalities, and events in the Holland area.

Japanese Students and Professor Visit the Archives

CIMG9463 (2) CIMG9735 (2)Recently, Professor Hiroshi Onishi, a professor in the Division of Global and Inter-Cultural Studies , Ferris University, Yokohama, Japan, visited the Joint Archives of Holland to continue his research on the history of Ferris University by using our collection on the Board of Foreign Missions. Professor Onishi brought along with him several Ferris students to tour Hope College and parts of Michigan.

Theodore Roosevelt and Hope College

June 24, 1901 letter from Vice President Theodore Roosevelt to Hope College President Gerrit Kollen.
June 24, 1901 letter from Vice President Theodore Roosevelt to Hope College council member Gerrit J. Diekema.

Gerrit Diekma (H88-PH1079-05) (300) Theodore Roosevelt In June 1901, the Council of Hope College (Board of Trustees) bestowed an honorary degree upon Vice President Theodore Roosevelt. Unfortunately he was not able to travel to Holland to receive the degree. Instead, he sent a letter thanking council member Gerrit J. Diekema for the degree. Less than three months later, on September 14, Roosevelt became the President of the United States after the assassination of President William McKinley.

Welcome to Digital Holland

DHM BannerEditor’s note: This is a guest post by Hope College student, Allyson Hoffman. You may reach her at Start your experience with Digital Holland today.

Imagine yourself on a scavenger hunt, but the list of items to gather has been sliced and scattered around a city. By the time you gather the pieces of the list, you’ve spent days, months, maybe even years running back and forth, passing all of the items you were supposed to pick up, but didn’t know.

Although hyperbolic, this scenario mimics the struggles researchers face when trying to locate sources. Historians could travel across the world, gathering artifacts for their work, only to discover that there are dozens of other necessary pieces out there somewhere. The internet has helped expedite the research process, but traveling between websites can be time consuming and frustrating. Furthermore, if the artifacts aren’t digitized and hosted on a site, the researchers cannot access them.

The purpose of Digital Holland Michigan is to make the research about Holland, Michigan easier for everyone to locate—from the scholar to the amateur historian to the curious individual. The public-accessible website hosts digitized artifacts such as images, audio and video files, as well as text summaries written by several contributors. In two months, the Digital Holland Michigan team has created over 100 pages about the people, places, and events in Holland, as well as pages about Hope College, the liberal arts college in Holland, and historical maps of the city.

But the work is just beginning.

The goal for Digital Holland Michigan is continue adding artifacts from the Joint Archives of Holland, the Holland Museum, and items donated by community members. As long as life in Holland continues, so will history—and so there will always be something to add to the website.