Hope College Archives and Special Collections

History of Tulip City Airport Presentation

The Holland Area Historical Society will host a program titled “Ascent: The 75-Year History of the Tulip City Airport” on Tuesday, September 11 at 7:30 p.m. The presentation will be held in the Maas Auditorium, Maas Conference Center, Hope College, Holland, Michigan. Maas Auditorium is located at 264 Columbia Avenue on the Hope College campus. The public is invited, and admission is free.

From its founding as a grass landing strip in 1942 to its opening as a major airport business center and terminal in 2016, the Tulip City Airport has played a key role in the transportation history of the Holland area. Join local author Myron Kukla as he documents the ascent of this regional transportation link, now known as West Michigan Regional Airport.

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